It is a well-known fact that people waste enormous amounts of food. But did you know that a THIRD of all food produced in the world is wasted? This drains resources and has an extremely negative impact on the environment. In addition to all the food waste, a huge amount of water and energy is used unnecessarily in producing all the produce. We think it’s high time to do something about this! And we hope you do too!

Reduce food waste fish
A third of all food that is produced is wasted!

So, what to do about it?

We are doing our best to cut down on food waste every day here at Strawberry. In total, we have thus far cut food waste by a massive 30 tonnes in 2017 and the first quarter of 2018! Examples of this include using smaller plates, particular for breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets. This has been proven to reduce food waste, since people actually eat up what’s on their plate. We would rather our guests got food from the buffet a few times, rather than wasting food by taking too much the first time.

There are plenty more examples too! The Comfort Hotel Børsparken in Oslo is giving away food that is not eaten to charities. The Clarion Hotel Post in Gothenburg is using leftovers to fertilise crops that are growing on the roof terrace, and the food grown here is then used in the hotel’s restaurants!

Too Good To Go – get leftovers from our hotel restaurants

Many of our hotels in Norway are using the Too Good To Go food app when they have leftover food. The hotels provide information about what leftovers they have in the Too Good To Go app, and users can see what is available and where. They can then go and get the food that is sold at discounted prices.

We’ve come a long way – but we’re not quite there yet

As part of World Environment Day on 5 June, we have launched a new initiative to reduce food waste! In addition to signing the Norwegian industry initiative “Kutt Matsvinn 2020” (Cut Food Waste 2020), we are introducing automatic weighing and registration of all food waste. The Kutt Matsvinn 2020 initiative encourages the entire service and restaurant industry to reach the project’s target of reducing food waste by 20 percent over the next three years. The initiative was launched in response to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal to halve food waste by 2030. We are determined to become even better when it comes to making good use of our resources. Our chefs and hotel staff are already coming up with some great ideas on what can be done!

Do you have any tips about how we can reduce food waste? Then please do share your ideas! Please email us at or reach out to us via social media.

Find out more what you can do to make the world a better place!

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Painting Easter eggs

So long, Easter feathers

At Strawberry we share a tradition and culture to do more than is expected of us – for our guests, our colleagues, society and of course the environment. This is something we call WeCare. As part of this initiative, all of our hotels have decided to stop using decorative Easter feathers. Find out more about our boycott against Easter feathers here.