Are you one of those guests with strong opinions and a great level of commitment? Someone who knows what they want and likes to clearly express their expectations and demands? Well, we want to hear from you! So, join us and have your say!

The Chosen - people giving feedback to make Strawberry the best hotel company in the world

Apply here...

... to tell us your opinions!

Have you ever queued in a reception and wondered why there wasn’t some upbeat salsa music playing so you could at least dance your way through the wait? Or have you sat at breakfast thinking that you’d love a spinach omelette fried in the waffle iron, topped with strawberries and cream? Could you imagine getting bonus points printed in Monopoly money? It’s maybe not exactly what you’ve been thinking, but whatever that may be, we’re all ears. It’s your ideas, thoughts, needs, wishes and expectations that will be the foundation of Strawberry!

In the last 25 years, Strawberry has established itself as one of the biggest players in the Nordic tourism industry. And over the next ten years, we will greatly increase our presence with a large number of hotels while also expanding the benefits and services available to our guests through our members club. The goal is to create an ecosystem of our own brand name in combination with external partners that offer experiences in the Nordics for our members to enjoy.

As you may have heard, Strawberry is changing its name to Strawberry in 2023. As we move into a new chapter, Strawberry has decided to build a whole new universe in the hotel industry, with the goal of creating the very best hotel experiences available in the Nordics! You, as a guest, are our most important source of inspiration for what to focus on in the years to come. You’re the one who travels around the Nordics, and experiences how we communicate our culture and our core values - in everything we do. You know the people at our hotels best of all. And we want this partnership to reach new heights when we roll out our new brand. We therefore want to hear from you what you want Strawberry to be. Under the concept "The Chosen", we are now putting together a group of selected thinkers to think and express themselves about everything from our service offers and membership club, to style and expression.

This is your unique chance to contribute to making your and everyone else’s hotel stay exactly the way you think it should be! Apply today and become part of a dedicated group of well-traveled and opinionated guests, which will see you participating in questionnaires, discussions and panels. As a thank you for your commitment, we will offer a number of benefits to you as a guest and member – you don't want to miss this!

In 2020, we launched a new concept, "The Chosen". This consisted of a diverse group of guests who checked the extent to which Strawberry complies with regulations, and facilitates safe and secure visits. Read what our hotel inspectors say about taking part in The Chosen.

Apply here...

... to tell us your opinions!