Picture perfect ski slopes, the sun shining from a blue sky, after-ski and breakfast buffets. Celebrating Easter in the mountains is a great Norwegian tradition, but why not switch a trip to the cabin with a relaxing resort? We have gathered five good reasons for why you should choose a mountain resort this Easter.

People looking at view from Copperhill Mountain Lodge

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1. Easy Access

Most mountain resorts offer freshly prepared slopes within close proximity. Maybe someone in your family likes cross-country, while others prefer snowboard? If you check into a mountain resort for your Easter holiday, all family members will find something to do. That includes the one who’s happiest just sitting by the fireplace reading a book.

2. After-ski

Once you’ve parked your skies, exhausted from a long day out in the slopes, after-ski is the perfect way to warm you back up! Feel the heat from the fireplace, the social warmth of conversation, and maybe fill your glass with something warm. Stay as short or as long as you want.

3. Spa

How about choosing a mountain resort with a spa? Norefjell Ski & Spa in Norway is an award-winning spa hotel with the power to heal both body and soul. The treatments are inspired by Nordic nature, and there is even an outdoor bubble bath where you can enjoy double the bubble with a magnificent mountain view to match.

NorefjellSkiSpaPool.jpgThis is Easter luxury at its very best.

4. That Easter Weather

Although it can be nice with an urban Easter, there is something truly special with spending Easter in the mountains. The blue sky, the shining sun making your top stick to your back, the sunglasses getting its debut of the season, the smell of oranges and the taste of Kvikk Lunsj chocolate. These are nostalgic experiences that only belong to Easter in the mountains.

5. Exhale

Not everyone is so lucky as to have access to a mountain cabin where they can spend their Easter holidays, but luckily a resort stay is a perfect alternative for everyone – cabin owners and non-cabin owners alike. If you spend Easter at a hotel you can sleep in for as long as you want, meals are included and best of all: it is someone else who makes make your bed and it is someone else who cleans your room when you leave. No dishes, no vacuuming and no stress. Simply lean back and relax.

There are several great mountain resorts to be found around Norway and Sweden, and you can easily choose the hotel that best fits your needs. If you want to relax at a spa, you go to Norefjell, while Falun is nature mecca for any ski lover.

Happy (resort) Easter!

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